Linda Brown, who as a little girl was at the center of the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education, has passed away at the age of 76.
Read MoreLinda Brown outside the neighborhood elementary school that denied her enrollment.
Linda Brown outside the neighborhood elementary school that denied her enrollment.
Linda Brown, who as a little girl was at the center of the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education, has passed away at the age of 76.
Read MoreJanelle Bynum talked about passing opportunity on- from one generation to the next, and within a community- and she sees educational equality and educational opportunity as the key to passing opportunity on to the next generation. She is passionate about education and about pushing for policies that will help minority kids with the understanding that what lifts minority kids will lift everyone...
Read MoreI met today's interview subject, career counselor Amanda Peters, when I as a grad student at MIT and Amanda was the career counselor who worked with students in my program. I was at loose ends about what to do after graduation, and a friend suggested I meet with her. We talked about my past work experience and what I might want to do with myself.
Read MoreI met Danielle Miller in March at a NASASocial at the Kennedy Space Center. We were there to learn about some of the work at the Space Center and see the launch of a cargo mission. Her enthusiasm for space and all things NASA were infectious- and she knew the best place to stand to get a good view of the shuttle Atlantis at the Visitor's Center...
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