Today we have an interview with Sue Cooper, the woman behind the awesome corporate culture we've heard about in our series of interviews with women at Cooper!
Read MoreCaroline in the front seat of a tandem bike during the second leg of a triathlon. (Photo credit: Scott Flathouse)
Monday Interview with Triathlon Guide and Asset Manager Caroline Gaynor
When I first read about Caroline Gaynor's work as a guide for visually-impaired triathletes, I thought, "That's so cool!" And then I had a bunch of questions. How do you pair up with someone who has similar abilities as a swimming, biker, and runner? How do you train together? How do you guide someone effectively when you're in open water surrounded by hundreds of other swimmers? How do you get involved with guiding to begin with? Is this a full-time job?
Read MoreMonday Interview with User Experience Director Shannon McGarity
Shannon McGarity started her career at the same time that the internet as we know it was taking off...
Read MoreMonday Interview with Artist Colette Miller
Even if you don't know Colette Miller's name, you probably know her work. The artist behind the Global Angel Wings Project, Colette talked with us about finding peace through painting, her life as a musician in New York and South Africa, and what it's like having her work become an Instagram sensation.
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