On my mind this weekend

A few things that caught my eye this week:

The two women we featured this week, entomologist Tracy Leskey and Chief Curiosity Correspondent Emily Graslie, both enjoyed exploring the natural world, and both found really cool ways to take that curiosity and turn it into a career learning, experimenting, and sharing their knowledge with others.

Apply for the Science Ambassador Scholarship for women and girls who are passionate about science and will be college students in 2017.  The coolest part? It's being funded by Cards Against Humanity's Science expansion pack!

The Olympics are over, and all of our favorite athletes are going back to their normal lives. This is how 15 Olympians make a living when they're not at the Olympics.

The Oprah Winfrey show premiered 30 years ago this month. (Hard to imagine a world without Oprah sharing her wisdom!) This oral history of the show's first season is fascinating.

Oprah gave a lot to us, but she expected a lot, too. She had really high standards. She wasn’t nice. [She was] kind, openhearted. She’s not going to say, “That’s a great show” unless it’s a great show. And you’d hear about it if it wasn’t. So you wanted to deliver the goods for her. -Alice McGee, Publicist and VP of Communications

Last but not least, today is national treasure Amy Poehler's birthday.
